Annagh Social Farm receives funding from the 2024 Black Santa Appeal

DKEA warmly congratulates Simon and Jennifer Bullock from Annagh Social Farm, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh who have been awarded funding from the 2024 Black Santa Appeal. It was with great excitement that the Bullock’s attended the Good Samaritan service at Belfast Cathedral this Sunday 2nd February to accept their donation from the appeal.

This year was the 48th annual Black Santa Appeal, where the Dean of Belfast Cathedral, together with the Canons and clergy of the Cathedral sit-out on the steps of St Anne’s Cathedral to raise money in support of Christian Aid and other small charities in Northern Ireland.

The funds which Simon and Jennifer Bullock have been awarded will go towards ongoing restoration works to Annagh House and Barns Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone. When restored these buildings will provide supported living/ respite facilities for those with a learning disability.

Bishops’ Appeal encourages prayer for ceasefire to hold and continued support for Middle East appeal

Bishops’ Appeal has encouraged members of the Church to pray that the ceasefire arrangements agreed between Israel and Hamas would hold and lead to a more lasting peace after they take effect.  This follows a welcome from Archbishop John McDowell and Archbishop Michael Jackson yesterday (Thursday, 16th January) for the announcement of a proposed ceasefire and release of hostages.

The appeal for the Middle East, organised by Bishops’ Appeal on behalf of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and Tearfund, continues to be open for donations, which will be shared equally between the two organisations to support vital humanitarian work. The Diocese of Jerusalem covers Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon and Tearfund partners are present across the region.

Readers can find out how to give online, by bank transfer, or in other ways at

The full joint statement from the archbishops is as follows:

‘This represents a fragile moment of opportunity, with the prospect of an end to the war in Gaza and the release of all hostages.  We pray for blessing on peace-makers in every community in the Middle East who build bridges and reconcile relationships between those divided by conflict.

‘Beyond every number mentioned in reports of casualties in the region is an individual human being made in the image of God with value and dignity, regardless of their nationality or background.  The needs of people who mourn or who have been displaced and injured must be foremost in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

‘We hope that this development will lead to a just and lasting peace, the full supply of humanitarian aid to relieve extreme suffering now, and the healing of physical and mental wounds.  This requires leadership which relentlessly pursues a desire for peace, over and above any lesser gain, for the well-being of the people who live in the lands in which Our Lord found his earthly home.’

Introduction to Youth Mental Health

Invitation to Zoom event with CIYD (Monday, 20th January)

 The Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) is running an online introduction to youth mental health next Monday, 20th January, from 7pm to 9pm, which will be delivered by Action Mental Health.

“Mental health and well-being is one of the biggest challenges facing our young people in the modern world,” says CIYD Youth Ministry Development Officer Luke Hawkins, who is organising the event.  “We are thrilled that so many people have already signed up for this free webinar, and hope to provide more like it in the future.”

The Zoom event, funded by the MindMattersCOI mental health awareness programme, is aimed at the parents of teenagers but any youth volunteer or worker, lay person or clergyperson, will also be welcome to attend.  Please go to the following link sign up and find out more.

Two Vacancies in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Are you called to ministry in a diocese aiming to be Christ-centred, character building and community transforming?


Kinawley & Holy Trinity Parish

The churches of Kinawley and Holy Trinity Parish (Derrylin, Crom, Drumany Chapel of Ease) are seeking to appoint an Incumbent to this attractive parish in Co. Fermanagh.

If you would like to express interest or would like further details, then contact:


The Venerable Ian Horner
[email protected]
The Rectory, Cavan Road, Bailieborough, Co Cavan.
042 9675822

Expressions of interest by Monday 27th January 2025

Dean of Elphin & Ardagh

The Sligo Cathedral Group of Parishes – St Mary & St John the Baptist, St Anne’s Knocknarea and Rosses Point – are looking for an incumbent who will be Dean.

To receive a copy of the parish profile and to submit an expression of interest please contact:

Ven Patrick Bamber
[email protected]
+353 71 91 46513

Closing date Friday 14th February 2025

Al-Ahli Hospital continues to serve Gazans

Supported through Bishops’ Appeal’s current appeal for the Middle East

Bishops’ Appeal is pleased to share the news that al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which is administered by the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, is continuing to provide essential care and support for people in urgent humanitarian need in Gaza City.

Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop of Jerusalem’s Chaplain, recently remarked: “Although our Ahli Hospital in Gaza City is overrun with the influx of hundreds of sorely wounded patients from the besieged north, there is today a singular sign of renewed dignity and hope: literally a new sign at the hospital entrance, replacing the one destroyed in earlier attacks.

“Please continue to pray and advocate on behalf of Ahli, the only remaining functional hospital in the north, whose overwhelmed staff is under-supplied and facing starvation, even as they work around the clock to save lives.”

In an interview with the Melbourne Anglican, the hospital’s director, Suhaila Tarazi, added: “We don’t discriminate. We are not part of this conflict … Our humanitarian mission is to show the love of Jesus.”  She also explained the extreme pressures on staff: “On certain days, we have no anaesthesia, so the doctors have to do surgeries and amputate parts of the legs of children and injured without it. We suffer from a shortage of sterilisation solutions, so we sometimes use vinegar to clean some equipment.”

Al-Ahli receives around 750 patients daily and is seeking to maintain the services offered before the conflict, such as the early detection and treatment of diseases, as well as caring for the injured.  The hospital recently re-opened a chemotherapy centre and, in co-operation with the Princess Basma Centre in Jerusalem, has also opened a small unit to provide physical therapy for children with cerebral palsy and their families.  A clinic has also been opened in the Khan Yunis refugee camp where staff care for approximately 200 patients each day.

Bishops’ Appeal is running an appeal through Advent and Christmas, supporting the ministry of the diocese and Tearfund partners.  Donations can be made through bank transfer, cheque or parish collections, and details on how to give are available here on the Bishops’ Appeal website:

Bookings now open for Vocation Retreat (21st-23rd February 2025)

The Vocation Retreat 2025, organised by the Commission on Ministry, will take place in Manresa Retreat Centre, Clontarf, Dublin, from 21–23 February 2025.  The Vocation Retreat is open to all who are exploring a sense of calling to ordained ministry in the Church of Ireland and is intended as a period of reflection and discernment. The guest speaker is the Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford, who will address four sessions during the weekend.

The retreat takes place in the context of worship and prayer and there is opportunity for further reflection and conversation.  Places are limited, so early booking is recommended with a deadline of Friday, 24th January 2025.

Those interested in attending may also contact their Diocesan Director of Ordinands for additional information. A leaflet about the Vocations Retreat is provided along with a booking form at the following link on the Church of Ireland website:

Living Nativity – Saturday 14th Dec, Kildrumferton Group of Parishes

Kildrumferton Group of Parishes are hugely excited about their Living Nativity returning again this year – an event which is fast becoming a fixture in many people’s Christmas traditions. So do put the date of Saturday 14th December in your diary and join us any time between 3pm and 7pm around the grounds of Ballyjamesduff Church of Ireland. All welcome! No charge. And hopefully the video will give you a little reminder or introduction to what this popular event is like…

Preparing for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

‘Do you believe this?’ – John 11:26

Bishop Michael Burrows, as Chair of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue, has encouraged parishes to consider celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, to take place in January, with resources prepared by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.  This annual initiative traditionally takes place between 18th and 25th January – the Octave of St Peter and St Paul – although it may be arranged for other times of the year at local discretion.

The service of worship has the Nicene Creed as its heart as we celebrate 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea.  Reflecting this, the Scripture readings for this year focus on belief and participants are invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus as narrated in John chapter 11. Each is called to sit with Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: “Do you believe this?”

Bishop Michael writes: “The liturgical resources which have been provided ecumenically and internationally for the coming year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity take a rather different tack to the themes of recent years.

“The compilers, the monastic community of Bose in Northern Italy, wish us to reflect together on the fact that 2025 marks the 1,700th anniversary of the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, and therefore our thoughts are drawn to credal phrases for so long associated with the work of that Council.

“The service dwells on a text from John’s Gospel – ‘Do you believe this?’ – and asks worshippers to reflect in a unique way on the common faith of Christians and the manner of its expression and communication today. We are asked to enter more deeply into the faith that unites us all, not to be afraid to engage with matters of doctrine, and to reflect on how today, as at Nicaea, spirited discussion amongst believers holding varying theological perspectives is often the midwife of the gestation of greater truth.

“In order to give us a sense of the concerns and atmosphere of 325AD, the resources include short patristic texts intended to provide insight into the nature of Christian reflection at that time.

“The liturgical materials include as always a template service intended as a focal point for the Week of Prayer, daily resources for reflection and prayer during that week, and indeed items that could be appropriately used throughout 2025. Given the great significance of the 1,700th anniversary of Nicaea for us all, I warmly commend this very rich material, and I personally look forward greatly to using it in my own context.”

Resources are available to download from the following website with details also provided for ordering printed versions from Hymns Ancient & Modern:

Exploring the new paradigm – the Pioneer Ministry Gathering Event

On the day that the Pioneer Ministry gathering came together in the Cavan Crystal Hotel for a conference to set out the way forward, the Irish Times ran a report talking about a ‘new paradigm’ emerging in the Church of Ireland. Pioneer Ministry is a key part of that new paradigm.

From the opening worship, led by Revd Canon Michael Mitton, based on Isaiah 40 1–5: 10,11 and speaking about St Non of Dyfed, the mother of St David the famous Welsh patron saint, it was clear that this new paradigm is not about jettisoning the old for shiny new things, but rather about developing a thoughtful approach to witnessing to the Gospel in today’s society where the vast majority of people no longer have a connection to church.

Rev Rob Jones, the National Director of the Pioneer Ministry Team, explained that Pioneer Ministry does not replace the existing parts of the Church or our faithful pattern of traditional parish life, but rather invites and supports those who have an idea to extend their witness to those with little or no connection to church.

The Pioneer Ministry Initiative has the backing of the House of Bishops, of the General Synod and of the Representative Church Body, which has allocated a budget of €6.8 million over the next 10 years to train pioneers and to provide very generous RB grant funding to approved projects. Since February 2023, 8 pioneer trainees have been selected and four projects are receiving an RB grant, and four already had identified funding in place.

The conference attendance list included invited representatives approved by their Bishop, from all the dioceses, including the Pioneer Diocesan Advocates and representatives of Diocesan Pioneer Ministry Hubs.  Most of those expected made it to the venue despite Storm Bert leaving many roads flooded.  Attendees included ordained and lay people, and speakers included the Bishop of Down and Dromore, the Rt Revd David McClay, the Bishop of Kilmore, the Rt Revd Ferran Glenfield, Canon Phil Potter (formerly leader of Fresh Expressions UK and now consultant to the Pioneer Ministry team), and leadership team member, Ven Barry Forde. The morning was largely given over to teaching about pioneer ministry. During the afternoon, the diocesan groups began generating their thinking about the opportunities and challenges they have identified.

While a main focus will be on getting a schedule of funded projects off the ground and organising training of pioneers, Rev Rob Jones reminded the attendees that Pioneer Ministry is simply a new way of considering the challenge of how to witness to people who are outside the Church.

It is not simply for funded pioneers; it is also to empower volunteers on the ground at parish level. Not all the dioceses in the room have received funding for a project at this stage. But, with the establishment of Diocesan Advocates in each Diocese, a new network of support is now in place to advocate, support and champion Pioneer Ministry at local level and to encourage anyone with an idea to develop it, through the authority of their Bishop.

The Advocates will act as a source of guidance and encouragement within the diocese. Smaller, non–funded projects, run by lay volunteers are often more achievable, he reminded the diocesan representatives. Parishes and individuals can be empowered by sharing the learning and advice that we are gathering through the bigger projects and training. Often it is the smallest seed that germinates and turns into the mighty tree. Not all projects will require funding, and not all projects will get funding, despite the generosity of the RB’s budget.

Canon Phil Potter described the importance of ‘releasing the laity’ in the Church of England’s work around pioneering, and of the need to form strong, flexible networks of support. Laity often bring a particular perspective to initiatives such as pioneer ministry, and sometimes find it easier to change their focus to find opportunities outside traditional parish life. Ven Barry Forde told the gathering, that while parish ministry forms the primary model for ordained ministry in the Church of Ireland, chaplaincy and other specialist roles also build a range of skills that can be applied effectively to the pioneer ministry approach. Attendees were encouraged to move from ‘Church–shaped mission’ to ‘Mission–shaped Church’.

During the afternoon session, a video was shown of a pioneering project in Tuam, Limerick and Killaloe. TLK is the largest geographical diocesan area, but with a sparse Church of Ireland population. The diocese recognised that the significant built heritage that exists in the diocese is often seen as a burden to be maintained. They tried a shift of focus, instead looking at it from the point of view of those people whom it attracts to the area. These are mainly tourists. The project that emerged focuses on Celtic Christianity, pilgrimage and spirituality and tries to actively engage visitors in the lively Gospel that inspired this heritage while they enjoy soaking in the rich cultural experience of the ancient landscape. The project benefited from the inputs of Ms Valerie Raitt, who had a professional background in tourism as well as a long–time engagement with parish life.

The feedback and learning received from participants will form the basis of a report and action that will be produced by the Pioneer Ministry Team, Rev Rob Jones, Ven Barry Forde and Ms Ingrid Brennan, in the New Year and worked through with each Diocesan Pioneer Advocate, their Pioneer Hub and their Bishop.  The dioceses will also be made aware of the Commissioning Services for our first Church of Ireland Pioneer Ministers which have taken place. The gathering concluded with a celebration of Holy Communion.

For more information on Pioneer Ministry, please go to or contact the National Director, Rev Rob Jones, through his PA, Ingrid Brennan, at [email protected]



Bishops’ Appeal encourages prayer for Middle East on Advent Sunday

Bishops’ Appeal, the Church of Ireland’s world aid and development programme, is asking all parishes to remember the Middle East in prayer this Advent Sunday (1st December) and, following this morning’s ceasefire, to continue to pray for an end to all violence and destruction.  The following prayers may be helpful for personal use or for planning for intercessions in services of worship.

Provided by 24/7 Prayer

Prince of Peace, we cry out to you today for all the places in our world that are suffering war. We ask for your intervention and breakthrough in those conflicts we see on our news feeds, those at the forefront of our minds …

We name them to you now.
We pray Peace.
We know too, God, that it is harder for us to understand the daily impact that war is waging in some of these conflicts.
We pray Peace.

Lord, we pray for a miraculous de-escalation of these dangerous conflicts. violence provoking violence, but we pray for reason to prevail over rage and revenge. Bring the wisdom that will lead to justice, and the courage that will bring reconciliation.

We pray that you will give us hearts that are full of compassion; that we will be stirred to seek your kingdom. Remind us that as we pray, we align ourselves to you the God who “makes wars cease to the ends of the earth, who breaks the bow and shatters the spear” and who says: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Prince of Peace, we cry out to you today: bring lasting peace.
Let your kingdom come and your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.


Provided by Tearfund – points for prayer

  • Pray for protection and provision for displaced people in Gaza, Lebanon and across the region – for shelter, safety and basic needs to be met. Pray for the millions of people who have been displaced, often not for the first time. This ongoing cycle of displacement leaves many families and communities incredibly vulnerable, especially as winter draws near.
  • For healing and comfort for those injured and/or bereaved due to the conflict. Pray especially for the large numbers of unaccompanied children who find themselves alone and without the protection of family and community.
  • For support and safety for churches and partner organisations who are working in extremely challenging environments. Give special thanks for the Diocese of Jerusalem as they minister and witness in the midst of the crisis. Pray protection upon church leaders in the region. Pray too for Tearfund’s partner in Gaza, focusing on the distribution of vital medicines both for emergency and chronic health needs. Pray for free access to the most vulnerable people.
  • For wisdom and political will for leadership to bring a lasting and just peace, restoration and reconciliation to the region. God, may your Kingdom come.
  • For God’s mercy and intervention to end the ongoing violence. Particularly ask for protection for civilians who lack access to vital services. As we enter Advent, pray that the Prince of Peace might bring about peace in the Middle East, and in the many unstable and conflicted places of our world. Pray the words of Revelation 22:2-3 into reality – may the leaves of the tree be for the healing of the nations, and may there be no more curse.


Provided by Christian Aid

God, hear our prayers for peace in the Middle East.
May all people in the region be protected, safe from harm.
We pray that this crisis will end now, with no further loss of life.
God, may the injured and distressed know your healing presence.
May the powerful and the decision-makers follow the paths of justice, mercy and peace.
We pray for recognition of the dignity and value of every life.
May the clamour of violence cease,
Replaced by the beating of swords into ploughshares.
God, in your name,


May it not be long, Lord. 
May it not be long, Lord. 
Before the world we pray for
And the one we inhabit
Are one. 

May it not be long
Before the violence ends
Be near to all of those who are suffering. 
May they know your peace

May it not be long,
Before the captives are set free
And those who have nowhere safe to go find sanctuary
May they know your protection

May it not be long
Before the hungry are feed
And the sick are seen and healed
May they know your provision

May it not be long
Before those working for peace succeed. 
And those providing care for the injured, the malnourished and traumatised can do so without threat.
May they know your courage

May it not be long 
Before those with power see
the paths of justice, mercy and peace.
May they know your wisdom and beware your wrath 

May it not be long, Lord
And to enable that day to come soon, 
Raise up for us prophets
Who will give us new sight for better seeing. 
Raise up for us prophets
Who will spell out 
That God has no favourite race
Nor heaven a favoured language. 

And if you will not raise up for us prophets
Then raise up in us that holy restlessness
To listen endlessly, to speak out consistently, and to work tirelessly 
For your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.



An invitation to support our appeal for the Middle East

Bishops’ Appeal is running an appeal for donations through the seasons Advent and Christmas, supporting the ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and Tearfund partners, either through bank transfer, cheque or parish collections, and details on how to give are available here on the Bishops’ Appeal website: