Kilmore Central National School celebrates 40th Anniversary

On Saturday 23rd May Kilmore Central National School, which opened in April 1975 celebrated its 40th Anniversary. A family funday / open day held at the school to mark occasion was attended by friends, teachers and pupils past and present.


Below: (Bishop, Canon, Teachers and members of the Board of Management)
Mrs. Jennifer Jones (Teacher), Canon Mark Lidwill, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Dr. Derek Grant (Principal), Mr. William Foster, Mr. Trevor Cassidy, Mrs. Sandra Bennett
KilmoreNS 40th Anniversary1

Below: Mr. William Foster, long standing member of the Board of Management planting a tree on the school grounds to mark the occasion watched by students Keith Bennett (left) and James Lord (right)
KilmoreNS 40th Anniversary2

KilmoreNS 40th Anniversary3

Diocesan Pentecost Service – Vision 20:20 Launch

The Slieve Russell Hotel was the venue for the diocese to be together in the one place to celebrate Pentecost. Hundreds came from every parish young and old to share in the day in worship and praise. The inspiring service was lead by clergy and lay ministers. Children and young people were included in inclusive worship.

Bishop Ferran spoke form Acts 2, Luke’s account of the Pentecostal experience of the early Church. An ouline of the bishop’s sermon is available on the website. The gathering heard of inspirational stories from parishes around the diocese as to some of the initiatives they were taking. We also heard live from one of these: the Manorhamilton Southern Gospel Choir, who were in fine voice.

At the end of the service each parish was presented with a banner depicting the 20/20 Vision what we are working together with God in the next 5 years. It was a memorable time of worship and fellowship.

Below are some photos from the day…

























Royal Visit to St Columba’s, Drumcliffe

On Wednesday 20th May, Their Royal Highnesses Prince Charles and Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall attended an ecumenical service for peace and reconciliation at St Columba’s Church, Drumcliffe. The service was led by Dean Arfon Williams and local clergy from Sligo Churches Together – Revd Alan Mitchell, Canon Noel Regan, Fr Pat Lombard and Revd Stephen Taylor. Prayers were led by Revd Michael and Ann Wooderson; meditations were given by the Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, Ferran Glenfield and the Roman Catholic Bishop of Elphin, Kevin Doran. A peace candle was lit by former Rector of Drumcliffe, Revd Ian Linton and Fr Christy McHugh, local Parish Priest.  Former President of Ireland, Mary McAleese and the British Ambassador to Ireland, Dominick Chilcott read from Scripture; students from Sligo Grammar School, Ursuline College Sligo, Mercy College Sligo, Summerhill College Sligo, Grange, Co Sligo and Sligo VEC Schools sang ‘Look at the World’ and ‘You raise me up’ and also led the congregation in the hymns. The Musical Director was Alfred Potter, the Organist was Paul McDonagh-Forde and the Accompanists were Leonard Dorrian and Richard Mitchell. Mrs Eungoo Goh and Mable Chah sang solos and Ramune, a Russian harpist, played as the Royal couple entered and exited the Church.

The service took place shortly before Prince Charles and Camilla visited Mullaghmore in Co. Sligo – the place where Prince Charles’ great uncle, Lord Mountbatten, along with his grandson Nicholas Knatchbull, Lady Brabourne and local boy Paul Maxwell were killed in an IRA bomb attack. It was attended by around 200 people including family members of soldiers killed in IRA attacks at Warrenpoint as well as relatives of Bloody Sunday.

In his reflection Bishop Glenfield said that the history of Ireland and the UK had been marked by trauma and trouble but that, as Isaiah 32 shows, the spirit of God has the power to transform creation, the country, the community. God, the Spirit brings healing out of hurts, reconciliation out of wreckage and trust out of turmoil. He said that the service was an opportunity to remember and revisit the horror of the recent past, savour the comfort of the present and hope for a better future together as we wait upon the Lord.

After the service a peace tree was planted in the graveyard of St Columba’s church by Prince Charles assisted by the Head boy, Zac Irwin and Head girl Sara McGeough, from Sligo Grammar School. An original painting by celebrated local artist, and church member, Annie West was presented to the Royal couple by Jessica Barber and Kitty Bird.

Sligo Gospel Choir sang outside in the church grounds as the Prince and Duchess arrived and departed

Dean Williams said that their Royal Highnesses appreciated very much the warm welcome they received at Drumcliffe and the generosity of local people.
















Photos by Chris Bellew | Copyright Fennell Photography 2015.

Bishop’s Reflection – Service of Peace & Reconciliation


Isaiah of Jerusalem,was God’s spokesman in the Royal Court, during the time of:
Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah in the 8th Century BC.
His writing is profound and poetic. A single strand binds his book together:
The King who reigns in Zion. It is a complex theme,full of tensions. Sometimes the King is God himself. At times, he is the current King of the House of David.
Othertimes, he is the King who is yet to come.Nonetheless, the King reigns and rules in human history.For Isaiah, it is not the past but the future that dominates the present.

Isaiah spoke truth to power: to the temporal and spiritual rulers of Judah and to the regional powers of his day: Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. They all were accountable to God, as we are today.He knows the secrets of our hearts and we all will give account to him for our attitudes and actions, rulers and peoples alike
Isaiah’s message was unpalatable: Judah would be sent away in the judgement of God. They had failed to live out their vocation, their reason for being, to reflect and demonstrate the justice and righteousness of God in the world. So Isaiah predicted the trauma of exile, when everything would be lost.

But God’s justice gives way to mercy and trauma to transformation, in the poetic lines of Isaiah 32, which we have just heard read. The Spirit of God would transform:
The Creation; the desert becomes a fruitful field.
The Country: justice and righteousness would be earthed in the nation.
The Community; peace would emerge from the soil of life, people would live
in trust and security.

The history of Ireland and the UK in the past 100 years has been marked by trauma and trouble. Today we acknowledge the transformation in our relations. This transformation, I believe, is a work of God, the Spirit, who brings:
Healing out of hurts,
Reconcilation out of wreckage,
Trust out of turmoil.

This is a Milestone moment. When we remember and revisit the horror of the recent past. When we savour the comfort of the present. When we hope for a better future together, as we wait upon the Lord. They, Isaiah wrote, ‘ who wait for the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint’. Amen

Easter Message from the Bishop

Easter is about death and resurrection. All around us in Spring we can see these two principles in action. This is no casual accident, for God has put them there in creation for all to see. On reflecting on death, the poet W.B. Yeats wrote:

‘ Nor dread nor hope attend
A dying animal;
A man awaits his end
Dreading and hoping all.’

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ makes all the difference to how we view death.
Jesus promised his followers that their destiny was linked to his own. His resurrection showed that what he had promised, he was able to perform.
That is the Christian confidence for the future, and for the present.
Because Jesus lives ,I can face today and tomorrow.

May I wish you a very blessed Easter,

+ Ferran


Queens Chaplaincy Internships 2015/16

We are looking for two Hub Ministry Interns who will help deliver, develop, shape, and support every aspect of our worship, community and outreach. Is that you….?

Areas of Ministry include:

  • UP – Worship 101, Church of the Resurrection, Bible Study, Prayer Groups
  • IN – Living in community, Weekly Gathering, Residentials, Hospitality, Guys & Girls Ministry, Youth & Kids
  • OUT – Late Love & Street Pastors, Foodbank, North Belfast Messy Church, Queens Elms, Hub Café.

You can download more information by clicking on the links below:

To apply:

Queens Chaplaincy Open Day 2015

Are you considering applying to live in the chaplaincy for the 2015/16 year? Have you already applied?

This year, we’ve decided to throw the doors of the Hub open on Saturday 18th April, from 12-3pm.

There will be a chance to see around the residential houses, have a cup of tea or coffee in the Hub Café, and get the answers to any questions you may have.

If you’re considering dropping by (even if you’re not 100% certain), please take a minute to fill out a quick form to help us plan for the day.


Click here to fill out the form!

New Dean of Kilmore, Revd Nigel Crossey

Revd Nigel Crossey, Chaplain, St Columba’s College, to be Rector of Kilmore Group of Parishes and Dean of Kilmore, Diocese of Kilmore.

Revd Nigel Crossey, Chaplain to St Columba’s College in Dublin, has been appointed Rector of the Kilmore Group of parishes and Dean of Kilmore. A native of Belfast, Nigel read Classics at Christ’s College, Cambridge before studying for ordination at the Church of Ireland Theological College in Dublin. Nigel subsequently completed his Master of Theology degree in Cardiff University.
Nigel was ordained for Drumglass Parish, Dungannon, in 1984 before becoming Rector of Magheraculmoney Parish, Kesh, in Clogher Diocese. Since 1993, Nigel has served in chaplaincy roles in the UK and Europe, most recently as Chaplain to St Columba’s College since 2009.

Nigel is married to Yvonne (currently an Assistant Housemistress in the College) and they have four children in their twenties. Nigel will take up his appointment in September, after the end of the current academic year. Speaking of his appointment, Nigel said that he was delighted to be appointed to this new chapter in ministry and that he and his wife were looking forward to their move to Cavan: “My wife Yvonne and I both look back with great fondness to our time in rural ministry in Fermanagh. It is equally clear that there are many opportunities and possibilities to be explored with the people of Kilmore and Ballintemple, and in the wider Diocese. We look forward as Christ leads his people and us in faith together.”

On the Front Line – 1 Day CIEF Conference

14th March, 9.30 – 5.30.

The Church of Ireland Evangelical Fellowship wishes to extend a very warm invitation to a Day Conference entitled ‘On the front line, Mission and the Local Church’.

Taking place in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh and surrounding venues, on March 14th (9.30am – 5.30pm), this special day will focus on the opportunities of mission locally and highlight how we can best respond.  A wide range of speakers will contribute to our collective thoughts including Rev’d Dr Mike Ovey (Principal of Oak Hill College, London) and Rev’d Dr Heather Morris (Home Mission Secretary to the Irish Methodist Church).

This is a special day for anyone who has a heart for mission in a local context.  It should be a day to encourage us all in what we can do in our local church as we seek to reach out with the message of the Gospel.  Everyone is invited to attend as we hear of good news stories and be more inspired for service.

Further details and booking information can be found on the CIEF Website ( or by contacting Patricia Halliday

Tel 028 9266 5310 or 07713 257 691 or [email protected]


Full details of the conference and other speakers in attached brochure.

Lissadell Church to be featured on RTE1’s Nationwide Programme

Lissadell Church to be featured on RTE1’s Nationwide Programme, Friday 19th December @ 7pm

Lissadell Church, in the Diocese of Elphin, recently hosted a successful Christmas Tree Festival and Craft Fair weekend.  An estimated two thousand people visited the church and adjoining Lissadell Centre over two days to enjoy the spectacle of over fifty Christmas trees, every one carefully decorated by local church organisations, schools, community groups and businesses.  Each tree gave an insight into the character and work of those who had prepared it, and highlighted their creative skills.  Many visitors also availed of the opportunity to write down a personal prayer and add it to a special prayer tree in the church.    The weekend concluded with a well attended cross-community Carol Service on the Sunday evening.  The Bible readings were read by local politicians, teachers and Scout leaders, while the carol singing was led by the award winning Murley Silver Band from Fivemiletown in Co Tyrone.  Prayers were led by local clergy from both the Church of Ireland and the Roman Catholic church.  In all, more than €6000 was raised over the weekend, which has been divided evenly between Acquired Brain Injury Ireland and parish funds.

Speaking after the event, the Rector of Lissadell, Archdeacon Ian Linton commented, “We are thrilled at the way in which the local community responded and came together for such a memorable weekend.  This is perhaps the first time we have ever had to transport people by bus to allow entry to Lissadell Church!  We feel privileged to have had the opportunity to retell the Christmas story in Lissadell, with the church building looking its very best.  We are also very pleased to support the important work of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, whose work enables people with neuro-rehabilitation needs to maximise their abilities and enhance their life experience in the community.”