Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry
The annual Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) Day of Prayer for Young People & Youth Ministry — designated for the Sunday before Lent — takes place this year on Sunday 14th February. More information can be found at this link: .
As in previous years, people are asked to mark this day by praying (and encouraging others to pray) in some way. A few years ago CIYD produced a booklet including prayers which might be useful, which is now available as a PDF. If you would like a copy by email, please get in touch with Damian at [email protected].
In the week leading up to the Day of Prayer, some brief videos aimed at young people on the topic of prayer and different ways to approach it will be made available through diocesan social media channels. Please direct any young people you know to these, and share them as you wish.
Finally, on the day itself, at 7:30 pm, there will be a diocesan gathering for prayer on Zoom. This is in place of the ‘in-person’ gatherings we have had in the past. All are welcome, including young people themselves and those who would like to pray for them. It will last no more than 1 hour, and no one will be put on the spot to pray aloud! If you would like to attend or find out more, please contact Damian at [email protected].