Irish College of Preachers annual Conference

The Irish College of Preachers annual Conference, took place recently at CITI.

The guest speaker was Archdeacon David Huss, Rector of the Donegal Group of parishes in Raphoe Diocese. David focused on the Sermon on the Mount, in anticipation of the Revised Common Lectionary readings for 2016/17, which features the Gospel according to Matthew.

Some 20 people from across the Church of Ireland, lay and clerical heard David open up the Master Preacher Jesus with clarity, depth and decisiveness.The conference was a great help to preachers, one of those who attended put it like this,” I am fired up now and ready for the challenge of preaching the Word of God”. The Irish College of Preachers is organised by Bishop Ferran Glenfield, the 2017 Conference is set for 13-15th September in CITI.
