SAMS ‘Friday Night Live’ Evening Conference on 2nd February 2024

Theme: Rooted: Standing Firm, Spreading Hope

SAMS Ireland is delighted to extend a warm invitation to the wider church community for its annual evening conference, ‘Friday Night Live.’ This year’s conference, themed ‘Rooted: Standing Firm, Spreading Hope,’ promises an enriching and spiritually uplifting experience for all attendees.

Event Details:
– Date: 2nd February 2024
– Time: 7:30 pm
– Venue: Annaghmore Parish Church (Armagh Diocese)

Rooted in the inspiring verses of Colossians 2:6-7, our theme explores the essence of grounding ourselves in faith while actively spreading Gospel hope to those around us.

Key Highlights:
– Fellowship: Connect with like-minded individuals and foster a sense of community.
– Bible Teaching: Immerse yourself in enlightening teachings based on Colossians 2:6-7.
– Interviews: Gain insights from real stories from the church in South America that exemplify the theme ‘Rooted.’

This year we want to encouraging the local church in areas such as mission, discipleship, and prayerfulness. We believe that a rooted foundation in these aspects will not only strengthen individuals but also contribute to the collective growth of our faith community.

Mark your diaries for this special evening on 2nd February 2024, at 7:30 pm, at Annaghmore Parish Church. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to join us in this memorable evening.

For further information or inquiries, please contact: [email protected], Tel:028 38310144

About SAMS Ireland
SAMS Ireland is a mission agency based in Ireland working primarily through the Anglican Church. SAMS is committed to working in partnership with the Anglican church in Latin America and the local church in Ireland. With a missional focus on partnership, discipleship, and prayerfulness, SAMS Ireland aims to make a positive impact on church communities, both locally and globally.

The Bible and the Bishop – Advent 2023

A Light Shines – Isaiah 9 v 1-7

For unto us a child is born – Our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Darkness will give way to light, sadness to joy, burden to freedom, tyranny to justice.


Isaiah 64: Yet you, Oh Lord, are our Father

In this Advent season, these ancient words from Isaiah prompt us to turn to our Lord, our father in penitence and faith; to align ourselves with His purpose and to serve Christ and humanity in His name; to await the day of His return with watchfulness and patience.


Isaiah 61: Hope, Restoration, Justice, Thanksgiving

This week our Advent podcasts turns to Isaiah 61 where we hear voices of hope, restoration, justice and thanksgiving. Voices which point us to our Lord Jesus Christ, who invited all who are heavy with care to come to him and be refreshed.


Isaiah 40 : Comfort my people
This Advent God comes to us afresh to bring His comfort, consolation and His care. Will we hear Him, welcome Him, receive and believe Him. Will we allow Him to do his amazing work in the hopelessness of our times and lives. Join Bishop Ferran, this advent as we prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Value of life and support for care emphasised in Oireachtas hearing on end-of life issues

The Church of Ireland’s strong opposition to euthanasia and support for hospice and palliative care was affirmed yesterday evening (Tuesday, 5th December) in evidence presented to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying.

The Revd Dr Rory Corbett, a member of the Church and Society Commission, addressed the committee at its invitation, alongside presentations on behalf of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council, and Humanist Association of Ireland.

In his remarks, Dr Corbett started from the position that assisted dying is “a euphemism in that the process is either suicide or … killing by a third party.”  The principle of affirming life, he noted, acknowledges both the right to life and the subsequent legal protection of life from the foundations not only of human rights law but also much of the criminal law.

“Beyond the legal underpinning affirming life is an acceptance that each individual life has purpose, value and meaning,” Dr Corbett remarked.  “It is part of the Christian tradition to assert that every person’s life is of intrinsic value, but we can also get there from a secular position, in that our healthcare is predicated on this intrinsic value in the attempt to resuscitate a person who has collapsed in the street, or the time, money and energy expended on prevention of suicide programmes, premature baby care, or for those living with dementia.

“At the same time, quality of life can also be misused to suggest that a person’s life can be decided by others. It can lead to an assessment of what a person can do, and what they can contribute to society not what they are.”

His presentation emphasised that a civilised society cares for the vulnerable and that relationship is at the heart of what it means to be human – and therefore the basis of the care, cohesion and compassion that we must continue to seek as social values.  He added: “Individuals are made in the image of God, not nations or organisations.  Treating every person with respect and dignity is a corollary of recognising the intrinsic value of every human life.  Individual free choice has to take second place to achieve this.”

Dr Corbett suggested that the discussion undertaken by the Oireachtas was indirectly highlighting the inadequacy of hospice, palliative and end-of-life care available to the population at large.  In addition, international experience from jurisdictions permitting assisted dying indicated a lack of management and oversight of the medical practices leading up to the ending of a life.  In most of the jurisdictions in Europe with permitted assisted dying, the initial application was limited only to adults who had a terminal illness and were close to death, before being expanded to adults who had no medical illness but had no desire to live longer, and more recently it has been extended even to children and young people.

He also highlighted the need to consider the ethics of who should carry out an assessment and the procedure should this be legalised, although the Church and Society Commission remains firmly convinced that there is no place for assisted dying in a civilised society.

If a person seeks assisted dying because of a late-stage terminal illness then a doctor, preferably their family doctor, would be able to confirm the medical diagnosis and situation. However, for the second medical doctor who might involved in the process, he or she would probably not personally know the patient or their background, or be aware of the possibility of coercion by others.

If the decision to end a life were taken on social grounds, that would sit outside the expertise of a medical professional.  If permission were to be allowed for assisted dying for purely social and not medical reasons, he contended that perhaps society itself should be prepared to take on the role of making the assessment and carrying out the procedure.

Clergy and lay chaplains minister daily to people living with terminal conditions, and their families, in hospitals, hospices, residential and nursing homes, and other settings in which care is given, and are likely to be very familiar with the state of mind of a person seeking assisted dying.  In addition to its formal responses to the debate and proposed legislation on assisted dying, several dioceses run an annual appeal to raise funds for hospice care. 

Dr Corbett also quoted the UK Supreme Court’s 2014 judgment on the issue, issued by its then President, Lord David Neuberger: “The vulnerability to pressure of the old or terminally ill is a more formidable problem. … The real difficulty is that even the mentally competent may have reasons for deciding to kill themselves which reflect either overt pressure upon them by others or their own assumptions about what others may think or expect. The difficulty is particularly acute in the case of what the Commission on Assisted Dying called ‘indirect social pressure’. This refers to the problems arising from the low self-esteem of many old or severely ill and dependent people, combined with the spontaneous and negative perceptions of patients about the views of those around them. The great majority of people contemplating suicide for health-related reasons are likely to be acutely conscious that their disabilities make them dependent on others. These disabilities may arise from illness or injury, or indeed (a much larger category) from the advancing infirmity of old age. People in this position are vulnerable. They are often afraid that their lives have become a burden to those around them.”

Displaced but not forgotten – Bishops’ Appeal’s Advent and Christmas appeal

An update from Lebanon for Bishops’ Appeal’s Advent and Christmas appeal 

The Advent and Christmas Appeal 2023 launched by Bishops’ Appeal in the last days of November focuses on the desperate situation in the Middle East.  No-one will be surprised by this – we only have to watch news updates on our TV screens, or news apps on our phones to see day by day stories of those whose lives have been destroyed since the October 7th massacre carried out by Hamas, and the reciprocating actions of Israel in Gaza where thousands have been killed and injured, and according to the UN over a million have been forced to leave their homes.

Among those working with displaced people in the region is a Tearfund project in Lebanon – through a local partner. In addition to the escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza there was an increase in tensions and violent incidents along the Israel-Lebanon border.

Irish troops are currently stationed in the area, running Camp Shamrock, a UN peacekeeping base close to the Lebanon-Israel border.  They are there to try to keep the peace in the face of regular clashes and a deteriorating security situation between the Israeli Defence Forces, Hezbollah and other armed groups.

As fears grow of the conflict spreading into Lebanon, many thousands of people have already been displaced, and need emergency support and aid.  From food to mattresses to medicines – those fleeing their homes have nothing and need emergency help simply to survive.

One displaced person from a village on the border, now in Lebanon with his family, said: “It was a difficult decision to leave. My home and my work are there, and I don’t know if it will still be there when I get back – we have no idea. Our lives are in that village.

“Everything here – the cleaning supplies, the blankets – is helpful. But the best thing is the mattresses – they are the perfect thing to give to people who are displaced.”

Speaking in early November, one of the project volunteers at the emergency supplies centre explained: “What happened recently in Israel and Gaza and the consequences of it are making the situation even harder for the Lebanese.  The people who live in villages near the border have been especially affected and had to flee to Beirut.

“In the first weeks of the conflict alone about 19,000 people were displaced and the ones who stayed lived in constant fear.  Bombs were falling on them and they lost all their harvest, including the harvest of olives on which they heavily rely economically because the crops were contaminated with white phosphorus.”

Your generosity this Advent in response to this appeal for the crisis in the Middle East will make an incredible difference to people in great need, and make sure that they know they are not forgotten.

Online donations to Bishops’ Appeal can be made at and further details about how to give through parish collections, or by cheque or bank transfer, are available at


A local Christian partner in Lebanon.  Photo credit: Tearfund.

Vocation Retreat 26th-28th January 2024

Do you think that God may be calling you into a life of ordained ministry? The Church of Ireland Commission on Ministry organises an annual vocation retreat for those considering ordination, and the next one will be running from Friday, 26th January, to Sunday, 28th January, in the Dromantine Retreat Centre in Newry. This year’s guest speaker will be the Revd Dr Sean Doherty.

Sean is the Principal of Trinity College in Bristol. He became a Christian when he was about sixteen years old and quite soon after that started to wonder if God was calling him to become a vicar. He went to Oxford to study English but changed to theology, which he loved so much that he has been studying (and teaching!) it ever since.

He teaches Christian ethics, and is especially passionate about economic ethics, which was the subject of his PhD. His wife Gaby is also ordained and has recently become the minister of a church in a nearby social housing estate. Despite his name, Sean is English, but his dad grew up in Ballymoney in Co. Antrim.

The retreat is financed through the Church of Ireland Commission on Ministry, and participants are asked for a contribution towards costs of €75/£65. If you are interested in attending and would like to know more, please contact Judy Peters at [email protected]

The closing date for bookings is Friday, 22nd December 2023.

Living Nativity Play – 16th Dec, Ballyjamesduff

The Kildrumferton Group of Parishes’ annual Living Nativity event returns on Saturday 16th December, 3-7pm, around the grounds of Ballyjamesduff Church of Ireland (up The Grove). Come and hear the Christmas story from some of the characters who were there – including some live animals! Totally free and all welcome!

Pioneer Ministry in the Church of Ireland moves to its next phase

The Church of Ireland Pioneer Ministry leadership team are delighted to announce the launch of the new Pioneer Ministry information booklet. This outlines how to apply for Pioneer Ministry funding and how to apply for the new Pioneer Ministry training programme.

Please watch this video for more and also click this website link to view the guide book itself. If you have any questions, please contact the team on [email protected]. It’s wonderful news for the Church of Ireland as Pioneer Ministry continues to grow into the next exciting phase of the project.

Guide book link:

Service of Installation at Kilmore Cathedral

This Sunday, the 26th November, the Venerable Ian Horner and Canon Richard Waller were installed into the Chapter of St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore. The service took place on the Sunday before Advent – a day on which the church traditionally celebrates the Kingship of Christ. Colleagues, friends, family and parishioners gathered for a wonderfully encouraging service led by Dean Nigel Crossey.

The address at the service was given by Bishop Ferran Glenfield who preached from Daniel Chapter 6 – the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. It is a story that helps us to see that Heaven rules even in the most challenging circumstances. The Bishop’s sermon was a great encouragement to believe and live out that truth as we wait for God’s kingdom to come, His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Many thanks to the parishioners of the Cathedral who had organised a delicious supper after the service. It was a great time to enjoy fellowship and a cup of tea with the wider Diocesan family.

Bishops’ Appeal announces Advent and Christmas Appeal 2023

The Bishops’ Appeal Advent and Christmas Appeal for 2023 is focussed on supporting those who are in great need in the Middle East.  The Holy Lands, the lands where Jesus himself lived and worked and worshipped.  Where he demonstrated God’s love, compassionate kindness, and saving grace through his sacrificial death on the Cross for all mankind. 

Where today the ‘little town of Bethlehem’ that we will sing about in our Carol Services is only a short distance from the devastation being experienced in Gaza, and from the kibbutz area where Hamas carried out their deadly massacre on October 7th.

Where just as 2,000 years ago Joseph and Mary had to flee with the infant Jesus to another land to escape violence and threats upon their life, so today many are having to flee from their homes to become refugees in other places, leaving behind what is left of their homes and possessions.

There is no doubt of the level of suffering that this conflict has caused, with men, women and children killed, injured, made homeless, and lives utterly devastated by the violence.

The Advent and Christmas Appeal this year asks that if you can, you give something to help those most affected.  Those fleeing Gaza as refugees, those needing emergency medical care, temporary accommodation, practical help, food, medicines, support, care. 

Our focus on the desperate needs in the Middle East enables us to partner with the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough who are running the ‘Shine A Light for the Diocese of Jerusalem’ campaign, and also to help with the overwhelming needs of displaced people who are now living in Lebanon as well.

Our intention is to channel the funds raised through our trusted partners on the ground – the Diocese of Jerusalem (with whom the Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough has been in relationship for a number of years) in their outreach to those impacted by war, and also to Tearfund partners working in Lebanon and in some of the areas and countries bordering Gaza and Israel where already things are precarious and extremely tense. Where there is the danger of further tension, violence and devastation erupting at any time.

We are so aware that many people have given so very generously to Bishops’ Appeal during 2023 – to the victims of the earthquakes in Syria, Turkey and Morocco, the floods in Libya, and ongoing support for the victims of the war in Ukraine, and we are so grateful to all those who have given. 

Yet as we move towards Advent and Christmas, it seems only right to maximise the focus on those in great need in the Holy Lands region and encourage those who are able to give – however small your gift may seem in the face of such unimaginable need, it will all add up, it will make a difference.  £10 or £50, €5 or €50.  It might cover an emergency food parcel, medicine, temporary shelter, or whatever the greatest need will be for that person. 

Bishops’ Appeal envelopes are available in each diocese, or donations can be made directly at this link for those who prefer to give online:

Drumcliffe Christmas Tree Festival

CHRISTMAS has already started at Drumcliffe Parish Church as preparations get underway for the first Drumcliffe Christmas Tree Festival in six years. The festival, which is building upon its last successful event in 2016, is taking place at Drumcliffe Church and grounds between the 7th and 12th of December.

More than 60 Christmas Trees will be erected and displayed throughout the iconic North Sligo church, which attracts 180,000 visitors annually. Organisations such as disability services, local schools, and scouting and youth groups are amongst those who are preparing trees.

The festival runs from Thursday 7th at 11am, and will continue daily until the evening of Tuesday 12th. An opening concert given by musical artist, Australian-born Sligonian, Kieran Quinn, will take place on the Thursday evening at 7pm. Other highlights include a schools’ carol service at 7pm on the Friday, a show by the Sligo Concert Band on Saturday afternoon, at 3.30pm, a community carol service on the Sunday evening at 7pm, featuring the participation of various local groups, and a showing of the classic children’s Chrismas animated short film ‘The Snowman’ at 6pm on the Monday. The committee advises all those interested in attending the carol services to arrive early as spaces will be limited. Those who cannot attend the festival in person will still have a chance to partake, as it will be streamed live around the globe.

To add to all this, there will be an outdoor live crib experience, whose sights and sounds will surely prove to be a favourite with children and adults alike, and Michelle Howley and her team at the Pink Clover café, eagerly preparing for the festival, will have something warm and tasty for those attending during that week.

Curate of Drumcliffe church, Revd. Luke Pratt, describes the Drumcliffe Christmas Tree Festival as an “exciting and community-enriching must for the calendar” and one which will “unite people at a time when togetherness is especially important, all around a celebration of the world-changing events which took place in Bethlehem 2000 years ago”.

Festival proceeds will be donated to participating local charities and Drumcliffe Church. For further information and regular updates, check the X (formerly known as Twitter) handle @drumcliffeCOI, or the festival’s Facebook page:

This is an event not to be missed!”