Crosslinks Regional Meeting in Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh – 25th April

Crosslinks mission society invite you and your church to a Regional Meeting in the diocese on Thursday 25th April at 7:30pm in Teemore Church Hall, Derrylin. It is a great opportunity to hear how mission partners have been sharing the gospel all around the world and how churches here have been supporting them.

During the evening there will be in interview with Trevor Watson, who has been involved in church planting in Sweden. There also be news from Rick & Alanna Creighton, who are teaching future church leaders and youth workers in Jos, Nigeria.

Come along with a group from your church to discover how you could get involved in short-term opportunities in Europe and to receive resources for your church to use.

RSVP by emailing: [email protected]

Guided tours of Coopershill House 18th March

Coopershill House is a fabulous privately-owned Georgian mansion near the village of Riverstown, Co. Sligo. It was built in 1774 and this year it is marking its 250th anniversary.

On 18th March (Bank Holiday Monday) tours will run on the hour from 10:00 am with the last tour starting at 3:00 pm.

€14 over 18 yrs
€8 under 18yrs

The price includes:
A guided tour of the house
Tea/coffee & biscuits
Self-guided walk through the woods to see the fallow deer

All money raised will go towards a new play area at Taunagh National School in Riverstown.

Limited spaces. Reservation required by email: [email protected]

Cavan Christian Women’s Conference – 23rd March

This year’s Cavan Christian Women’s Conference:
Saturday 23 March
9:30-1:30 (optional hotel lunch afterwards)
ALL women warmly welcome (including girls from secondary age onwards)

As women, we receive many conflicting messages from the world about how we should view our bodies. And we all experience, in different ways, the effects of illness, aging and the prospect of death. But what does the Bible have to say? Join us as we hear from God’s word – a message of hope that will help us to think differently about our bodies.

As well as our main speaker we will also hear from a panel of four women discussing how they have been impacted by the real-life issues of body image, infertility, disability and menopause.

Could there be a more relevant subject for us to consider together? We trust this will be a really significant day for all of us personally, and also as we think about how we care for each other – not least in nurturing the next generation. I would love to see you there! Book your place HERE.

An Introduction To Vestry Membership

We have a blessing in the Church of Ireland in that it is the right of all adult members – lay and clerical – to be democratically involved in the management and decision-making of our parishes. This privilege can be taken for granted though! With any privilege comes the duty to use it appropriately – in this case, so that God would be glorified and his Kingdom might be extended through the mission and ministry of our parishes.
To help members of the Church understand the governance of parishes in the Church of Ireland, DKEA has put together a leaflet introducing vestry membership which can be accessed here.

A warm glow in a cold dark place

Two hundred and fifty wood-burning stoves have been distributed in the Kharkiv region by Habitat for Humanity Ukraine in recent months.  Many arrived just in time for Christmas, and all will keep families warm and allow them to cook simple meals.

The current situation in Ukraine is challenging with more airstrikes, less support, and a general concern about the most vulnerable.  Bishops’ Appeal funds raised for people displaced in and from Ukraine by the war continue to support Habitat for Humanity’s work.  Warren, a Habitat volunteer, describes the difference the stoves make, saying: “They help not just physically but mentally. A warm glow in a cold dark place, something life-sustaining to tend to and have some control over in these uncertain and difficult times.”

In Romania, as well as support for Ukrainian refugees, the Government has asked Habitat to assist 400 people who have links to Romania and who have been evacuated from Gaza.  Habitat has provided some nights in a hotel to allow them to catch their breath, helped them plan their next steps, and provided social housing.

To find out how you can donate to Bishops’ Appeal online, by cheque or standing order, or through your parish, please visit:

Further information

For more on the stoves project, please check out this video from Habitat for Humanity:

A full story on Habitat’s support from people returning to Romania from Gaza is here:

Young Leaders in Ministry Fund open again for applications

Our next round of applications for CIYD’s Young Leaders In Ministry Fund is now open and the closing date for this is Friday, 26th January 2024. If you’re interested, please get in contact with us at [email protected] and we can send you the form to apply.

The fund is open to young people aged between 15 and 25 years who can demonstrate a current involvement in the Church of Ireland.

It seeks to support training and development courses, mission teams, leadership opportunities, and placements that can be shown to:

  1. significantly develop the faith of the young adult applicant;
  2. grow the skills of the applicant especially, but not confined to, leadership skills; and
  3. be of significant use to the ministry of the Church of Ireland in the 12 months following the completion of the opportunity.

Encouraging applications, National Youth Officer Simon Henry says, “As we start 2024, CIYD wants to encourage young people and their leaders to engage with the broad range of opportunities out there – whether that’s serving God abroad or locally on a summer team, a starter qualification in youth ministry, or an internship programme – and to realise this Fund exists for them, to support and develop their faith and skills as they seek to serve Jesus.”


If you’re interested, we would love to hear from you.

Click here to download application forms in PDF format or Word Document format.

SAMS ‘Friday Night Live’ Evening Conference on 2nd February 2024

Theme: Rooted: Standing Firm, Spreading Hope

SAMS Ireland is delighted to extend a warm invitation to the wider church community for its annual evening conference, ‘Friday Night Live.’ This year’s conference, themed ‘Rooted: Standing Firm, Spreading Hope,’ promises an enriching and spiritually uplifting experience for all attendees.

Event Details:
– Date: 2nd February 2024
– Time: 7:30 pm
– Venue: Annaghmore Parish Church (Armagh Diocese)

Rooted in the inspiring verses of Colossians 2:6-7, our theme explores the essence of grounding ourselves in faith while actively spreading Gospel hope to those around us.

Key Highlights:
– Fellowship: Connect with like-minded individuals and foster a sense of community.
– Bible Teaching: Immerse yourself in enlightening teachings based on Colossians 2:6-7.
– Interviews: Gain insights from real stories from the church in South America that exemplify the theme ‘Rooted.’

This year we want to encouraging the local church in areas such as mission, discipleship, and prayerfulness. We believe that a rooted foundation in these aspects will not only strengthen individuals but also contribute to the collective growth of our faith community.

Mark your diaries for this special evening on 2nd February 2024, at 7:30 pm, at Annaghmore Parish Church. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to join us in this memorable evening.

For further information or inquiries, please contact: [email protected], Tel:028 38310144

About SAMS Ireland
SAMS Ireland is a mission agency based in Ireland working primarily through the Anglican Church. SAMS is committed to working in partnership with the Anglican church in Latin America and the local church in Ireland. With a missional focus on partnership, discipleship, and prayerfulness, SAMS Ireland aims to make a positive impact on church communities, both locally and globally.

The Bible and the Bishop – Advent 2023

A Light Shines – Isaiah 9 v 1-7

For unto us a child is born – Our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Darkness will give way to light, sadness to joy, burden to freedom, tyranny to justice.


Isaiah 64: Yet you, Oh Lord, are our Father

In this Advent season, these ancient words from Isaiah prompt us to turn to our Lord, our father in penitence and faith; to align ourselves with His purpose and to serve Christ and humanity in His name; to await the day of His return with watchfulness and patience.


Isaiah 61: Hope, Restoration, Justice, Thanksgiving

This week our Advent podcasts turns to Isaiah 61 where we hear voices of hope, restoration, justice and thanksgiving. Voices which point us to our Lord Jesus Christ, who invited all who are heavy with care to come to him and be refreshed.


Isaiah 40 : Comfort my people
This Advent God comes to us afresh to bring His comfort, consolation and His care. Will we hear Him, welcome Him, receive and believe Him. Will we allow Him to do his amazing work in the hopelessness of our times and lives. Join Bishop Ferran, this advent as we prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Value of life and support for care emphasised in Oireachtas hearing on end-of life issues

The Church of Ireland’s strong opposition to euthanasia and support for hospice and palliative care was affirmed yesterday evening (Tuesday, 5th December) in evidence presented to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying.

The Revd Dr Rory Corbett, a member of the Church and Society Commission, addressed the committee at its invitation, alongside presentations on behalf of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council, and Humanist Association of Ireland.

In his remarks, Dr Corbett started from the position that assisted dying is “a euphemism in that the process is either suicide or … killing by a third party.”  The principle of affirming life, he noted, acknowledges both the right to life and the subsequent legal protection of life from the foundations not only of human rights law but also much of the criminal law.

“Beyond the legal underpinning affirming life is an acceptance that each individual life has purpose, value and meaning,” Dr Corbett remarked.  “It is part of the Christian tradition to assert that every person’s life is of intrinsic value, but we can also get there from a secular position, in that our healthcare is predicated on this intrinsic value in the attempt to resuscitate a person who has collapsed in the street, or the time, money and energy expended on prevention of suicide programmes, premature baby care, or for those living with dementia.

“At the same time, quality of life can also be misused to suggest that a person’s life can be decided by others. It can lead to an assessment of what a person can do, and what they can contribute to society not what they are.”

His presentation emphasised that a civilised society cares for the vulnerable and that relationship is at the heart of what it means to be human – and therefore the basis of the care, cohesion and compassion that we must continue to seek as social values.  He added: “Individuals are made in the image of God, not nations or organisations.  Treating every person with respect and dignity is a corollary of recognising the intrinsic value of every human life.  Individual free choice has to take second place to achieve this.”

Dr Corbett suggested that the discussion undertaken by the Oireachtas was indirectly highlighting the inadequacy of hospice, palliative and end-of-life care available to the population at large.  In addition, international experience from jurisdictions permitting assisted dying indicated a lack of management and oversight of the medical practices leading up to the ending of a life.  In most of the jurisdictions in Europe with permitted assisted dying, the initial application was limited only to adults who had a terminal illness and were close to death, before being expanded to adults who had no medical illness but had no desire to live longer, and more recently it has been extended even to children and young people.

He also highlighted the need to consider the ethics of who should carry out an assessment and the procedure should this be legalised, although the Church and Society Commission remains firmly convinced that there is no place for assisted dying in a civilised society.

If a person seeks assisted dying because of a late-stage terminal illness then a doctor, preferably their family doctor, would be able to confirm the medical diagnosis and situation. However, for the second medical doctor who might involved in the process, he or she would probably not personally know the patient or their background, or be aware of the possibility of coercion by others.

If the decision to end a life were taken on social grounds, that would sit outside the expertise of a medical professional.  If permission were to be allowed for assisted dying for purely social and not medical reasons, he contended that perhaps society itself should be prepared to take on the role of making the assessment and carrying out the procedure.

Clergy and lay chaplains minister daily to people living with terminal conditions, and their families, in hospitals, hospices, residential and nursing homes, and other settings in which care is given, and are likely to be very familiar with the state of mind of a person seeking assisted dying.  In addition to its formal responses to the debate and proposed legislation on assisted dying, several dioceses run an annual appeal to raise funds for hospice care. 

Dr Corbett also quoted the UK Supreme Court’s 2014 judgment on the issue, issued by its then President, Lord David Neuberger: “The vulnerability to pressure of the old or terminally ill is a more formidable problem. … The real difficulty is that even the mentally competent may have reasons for deciding to kill themselves which reflect either overt pressure upon them by others or their own assumptions about what others may think or expect. The difficulty is particularly acute in the case of what the Commission on Assisted Dying called ‘indirect social pressure’. This refers to the problems arising from the low self-esteem of many old or severely ill and dependent people, combined with the spontaneous and negative perceptions of patients about the views of those around them. The great majority of people contemplating suicide for health-related reasons are likely to be acutely conscious that their disabilities make them dependent on others. These disabilities may arise from illness or injury, or indeed (a much larger category) from the advancing infirmity of old age. People in this position are vulnerable. They are often afraid that their lives have become a burden to those around them.”

Displaced but not forgotten – Bishops’ Appeal’s Advent and Christmas appeal

An update from Lebanon for Bishops’ Appeal’s Advent and Christmas appeal 

The Advent and Christmas Appeal 2023 launched by Bishops’ Appeal in the last days of November focuses on the desperate situation in the Middle East.  No-one will be surprised by this – we only have to watch news updates on our TV screens, or news apps on our phones to see day by day stories of those whose lives have been destroyed since the October 7th massacre carried out by Hamas, and the reciprocating actions of Israel in Gaza where thousands have been killed and injured, and according to the UN over a million have been forced to leave their homes.

Among those working with displaced people in the region is a Tearfund project in Lebanon – through a local partner. In addition to the escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza there was an increase in tensions and violent incidents along the Israel-Lebanon border.

Irish troops are currently stationed in the area, running Camp Shamrock, a UN peacekeeping base close to the Lebanon-Israel border.  They are there to try to keep the peace in the face of regular clashes and a deteriorating security situation between the Israeli Defence Forces, Hezbollah and other armed groups.

As fears grow of the conflict spreading into Lebanon, many thousands of people have already been displaced, and need emergency support and aid.  From food to mattresses to medicines – those fleeing their homes have nothing and need emergency help simply to survive.

One displaced person from a village on the border, now in Lebanon with his family, said: “It was a difficult decision to leave. My home and my work are there, and I don’t know if it will still be there when I get back – we have no idea. Our lives are in that village.

“Everything here – the cleaning supplies, the blankets – is helpful. But the best thing is the mattresses – they are the perfect thing to give to people who are displaced.”

Speaking in early November, one of the project volunteers at the emergency supplies centre explained: “What happened recently in Israel and Gaza and the consequences of it are making the situation even harder for the Lebanese.  The people who live in villages near the border have been especially affected and had to flee to Beirut.

“In the first weeks of the conflict alone about 19,000 people were displaced and the ones who stayed lived in constant fear.  Bombs were falling on them and they lost all their harvest, including the harvest of olives on which they heavily rely economically because the crops were contaminated with white phosphorus.”

Your generosity this Advent in response to this appeal for the crisis in the Middle East will make an incredible difference to people in great need, and make sure that they know they are not forgotten.

Online donations to Bishops’ Appeal can be made at and further details about how to give through parish collections, or by cheque or bank transfer, are available at


A local Christian partner in Lebanon.  Photo credit: Tearfund.