Last Thursday evening, 28th September, Revd. Ruth West was instituted as Rector of the Florencecourt Group of Parishes – Killesher (St John’s and Druminiskill Chapel of Ease and Killinagh. Family, friends, parishioners as well as representatives of the local community and wider Diocese were packed into the beautiful St John’s Church, Florencecourt to welcome Revd. Ruth as the new Incumbent. The service was led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield assisted by Archdeacon Craig McCauley. The Very Revd. Arfon Williams, Dean of St. John’s Cathedral, Sligo stood in as acting Registrar.
Revd. Ruth joins our diocese from the Inver Group of Parishes in southwest Donegal were she was Rector for 5 years. She served her curacy way down in Waterford. While the last 8 years let Ruth live by the sea, she is delighted to move to Florencecourt as she is originally a Fermanagh girl.
The address at the institution was given by the Venerable David Huss, Archdeacon of Raphoe. Speaking from Matthew 9:35- 38, Revd. David highlighted how Jesus’ example provided a challenging model for ministry. His was a ministry of breadth – a ministry to all; a ministry of variety – a ministry that dealt with the needs of the whole person, both the practical needs and the deep spiritual needs; a ministry of depth – of deep love and compassion and a ministry that must be shared. He challenged the congregation to share with Revd. Ruth in the work of the church in these parishes.
The Act of Institution was then carried out by Bishop Ferran Glenfield, after which words of welcome were given by Dean Nigel Crossey on behalf of the Diocese, Andrew Elliott and Lancelot Forde on behalf of the Parish, Alex Baird, Vice Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh Council, on behalf of the local community and Fr. Maurice McMorrow, representing the Roman Catholic Parishes of Kinawley and Killesher.
During the service tokens of appreciation were given to Dean Nigel Crossey, Dean Raymond Ferguson, Canon Billy Johnston and Canon Geoff Bridle as an acknowledgement of all their work and encouragement during the vacancy. Maud Cunningham was also thanked for all the work she had done to help during the vacancy.
The service was followed by a wonderful tea in the Church Annexe which was very welcome on a rainy evening! We pray for the Lord’s blessing on Revd. Ruth as she begins her ministry in the Florencecourt Group of Parishes.
Front Row: Mrs Yvonne Elliott, Mrs Rene Irvine, Revd. Ruth West, Bishop Ferran Glenfield
Back Row: Mrs Moyra Wallace, Mr William Sloane, Mr Lancelot Forde, Mr Mervyn Phair
Front Row: The Venerable Roderic West, Ruth West, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, The Venerable Craig McCauley
Back Row: The Venerable David Huss, Dean Nigel Crossey
Front row: The Venerable Craig McCauley, Mrs Maud Cunningham, Revd. Ruth West, Mrs Viola Dourish
Back Row: Dr Nicholas Lipscomb, Mr Billy Griffin, Ms Mary Collum, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Mr Michael Wright