Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Road Trip

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear them from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

In response to the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s call to prayer, yKea (the youth ministry team at Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh) organised a week long prayer road trip around the diocese. Throughout the week our focus for praying was to align our hearts with God’s, to seek His face and pray ‘thy Kingdom Come’ over our land. A small team join Hannah O’Neill and Marian Edwards (the DKEA Youth and Children’s co-ordinators) on the road trip. It included four Emmanuel Church Lurgan interns – Robbie Norton, James Patterson, Matthew Turner and Ryan Osborne. Beth Tays towards the end of the week. Here’s a glimpse of what we got up to during the road trip…

Sunday 28th May

The week kicked off with the first prayer gathering in Virginia. We had a time of worship and a variety of prayer styles including led prayers, prayer stations and praying in groups. It was wonderful to be joined by Cootehill Christian Fellowship for the evening. Pastor Paul Hackett lead prayers for unity amongst our churches. We know that ‘where God’s people dwell in unity…there the Lord commands His blessing.’ (Psalm 133) And so, as we planned for this road trip, our desire at yKea was to gather Christians from across church backgrounds to unite and pray together. We believe that many of the partnerships formed during our week of prayer were significant and we hope to continue to build on these relationships in the future.

Monday 29th May

Day 2 of our road trip started with assembly in Cavan Royal School where Robbie (one of the interns) taught about prayer and Ryan (another intern) shared some of his own personal experiences in prayer. We then headed to Killeshandra for scones and a chat with Rev Ali Calvin, to hear a bit about her parishes and pray before an assembly in Killeshandra NS. Then it was off to Cootehill for lunch and a prayer walk before our evening gathering in Crom Church, Co Fermanagh. Crom is a beautiful setting by Lough Erne and it was great to have so many join us from Fermanagh and Cavan to pray. We had a time of confession followed by prayers for the local area and Ireland. Each evening we had a different global focus and on Monday we prayed for the East Africa Crisis. It was a real joy to pray together with fellow Christians in God’s presence. Afterward, a highlight for the team was getting to climb the bell tower and ring the bells!

Tuesday 30th May

Tuesday began with two assemblies-Fairgreen NS (Belturbet) and Newtowngore NS. We used our assemblies as an opportunity to teach the children about prayer and how their prayers are just as important and significant to God as the prayers of grown ups. After our morning of assemblies we enjoyed a picnic and prayer walk at Drumreilly and then made a stop at St Catherine’s Church, Fenagh to pray before heading to Carrick-on-Shannon. Whilst few in number at our prayer gathering in Carrick, we had a great night of prayer and worship together.

Wednesday 31st May

On Wednesday morning we had our final assembly of the week in Mohill NS before returning to Carrick-on-Shannon for our coffee morning for church leaders at the Bush Hotel. This was an opportunity for us to honour and celebrate those who lead and serve in our churches, both clergy and lay people. Bishop Ferran Glenfield shared a few thoughts with us on prayer. Then there was a time of prayer for each other, to encourage and lift one another up. As a team of mostly 20 somethings it was an honour to be able to pray for our leaders whose legacy we stand upon. After the coffee morning the team enjoyed lunch with Bishop Ferran and hearing about what God is doing in the diocese. Together, we then headed to Elphin Cathedral where the bishop taught us about the history and we had a time of prayer and worship. Robbie recalls the significance of our time at the cathedral ruins, “A personal highlight was at Elphin where we heard the history, prayed and worshipped. It felt significant not just for that place but for the whole land; that God wants to spring up old wells and move afresh!”

We spent some time at ‘The Well’ in Longford to meet with June Murphy and hear her vision and heart for Longford town. In the evening we had our prayer gathering in Longford. One particularly significant part of the evening was hearing from a local young person, Sinead McWeeney, who shared about her own faith and desire to share it with her friends. She told us about the Global Outreach Day on May 27th when they organised a youth event where they were able to invite their friends along to and tell them about Jesus and His love for them. Fuelled by her story we then prayed for youth ministry in Longford.

Thursday 1st June

It was a very wet day on Thursday but that wasn’t going to put us off travelling around and praying. We decided to trek down to Clonmacnoise Monastery. It was amazing to hear the history and Christian heritage of the place. With its fairly central location in Ireland we stood and faced the four provinces of Ireland and prayed for Ulster, Connaught, Leinster and Munster. We long to see God move across our land, in every corner of Ireland and to see lives transformed through Christ. Our afternoon was then spent at OM’s Lackan House in Roscommon. They had just celebrated 60 years of OM worldwide, and 15 years in Ireland. They gave us a tour of their base and told us about their ministry across Ireland. We were then able to spend some time praying for OM along with a few of their volunteers. Then as usual, we had our prayer gathering in the evening, this time at The Core, Roscommon. Folk gathered from lots of different church backgrounds and there was a great sense of unity as we prayed.

Friday 2nd June

For our final day of the road trip we travelled to Sligo. We spent time at Drumcliff with Archdeacon Isaac Hanna and heard about his plans for the group of parish with Church Army. It was really exciting to see how his dreams are unfolding into reality. We spent some time walking around the church grounds and praying for ministry there. We then finished our diocesan part of the road trip with the prayer gathering in Calry Parish. Rev Patrick Bamber had invited Christians from across Sligo to take part throughout the evening and it was incredible to see and hear about the variety of things happening in that part of our diocese. Once again, unity was a running theme for the gathering and indeed it seemed to be one of the main themes of the entire week. Matthew one of the interns from Lurgan had this to say, “I felt that the theme of unity and bringing all the churches together was so powerful. It could be the beginning of something bigger and greater than we can even dream, that through this unity God will do amazing things throughout the land.”

At the end of the week it was amazing to gather with Christians from across our nation in both Belfast and Dublin, at the 24-7 Prayer Ireland ‘Kingdom Come’ events. We thoroughly enjoyed the road trip and gathering a sense of what God is doing throughout the diocese. Thank you to everyone who came along and engaged in prayer during the week. Special thanks goes to all those who hosted us for meals and accommodation. And finally thank you to the team who joined us. They were an encouragement and blessing to so many as they prayed around the dioceses. Looking ahead to the future, we are excited and expectant for how God is going to continue to develop unity amongst His people and transform communities across our diocese through the power of His Spirit.


Emmanuel Church Lurgan Interns: Robbie Norton, James Patterson, Matthew Turner and Ryan Osborne

Unveiling the new banner at the prayer gathering at Core, Roscommon

Praying at Drumcliff Sligo

Father Pat Lombard sharing at the gathering in Calry Parish, Sligo

On top of Bell tower at Crom Church: Wilson Kells, Ryan Osborne, Hannah O’Neill, Laura Dunlop, Rev Ali Calvin, James Patterson, Aaron Magee, Robbie Norton, Matthew Turner, Marian Edwards

Coffee morning for church leaders at Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon

Praying around Elphin Cathedral

Girls Friendly Society Diocesan Festival Service

The Girls Friendly Society Diocesan Festival Service this year included a celebration of 140 years of G.F.S. work in Ireland. The magnificent 17ft birthday banner welcomed all to Drung on Sunday 28th May.

The bright sunshine was perfect for banners from all ten branches in Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh to line up outside the church and offered Bishop Ferran Glenfield an opportunity for prayer with the banner bearers.

Revd. Nick Jones led the service and taught a lively praise song that had everyone join in with the actions. His address, complete with relevant props, captured the attention of even the youngest girls present. With the help of volunteers in the role play, Revd. Nick showed how we can be found ‘NOT GUILTY’ through God’s mercy in sending Jesus – THE LAMB – to die on the cross for our sins.

The Prizegiving was then introduced by Mrs Violet Morton, Diocesan President, who welcomed everyone, expressed thanks and congratulated the girls on their excellent work. Violet presented the Diocesan Cups and Plaques to the winners in both Handcraft and Bible Study competitions. She added a big well done to every member who had competed and praised the leaders and parents for their loyalty week by week.

We were delighted that Mrs Sylvia Quinn, All Ireland President was also able to join us and Mrs Florence Higgins, former All Ireland President. Violet then called on Sylvia to present the All Ireland prizes which the Diocese had the honour of winning. Following this Sylvia paid tribute to all who down the years, built G.F.S. into the vibrant and strong society it is from its humble beginning in Bray. She then encouraged us to carry on the work and with God’s help empower girls to meet the challenges of the future.

At the conclusion of the service the banners were paraded out of the church followed by girls and leaders for photographs in the sunny outdoors.

Everyone enjoyed the wonderful array of refreshments served in the hall afterwards. Much interest was shown in the colourful display of posters there from the branches charting 140 years of G.F.S history and activities. A picture storyboard of giant K.E.A letters showing G.F.S events in the diocese drew many favourable comments. Also featured was a copy of the first meeting of G.F.S in 1877 – a testimony to the vision of those involved for the nurturing of girls and women and to “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2.
Sincere thanks to Audrey and her helpers for mounting the displays and making the birthday banner and to Violet for the birthday cake. A big thank you to the tea team who prepared, served and cleaned up after, also thanks to the road stewards who did a fantastic job.

Revd. Nick and everyone in Drung, your hard work is much apricated for making the day a memorable joyful celebration enjoyed by one and all.


Death of Rev. Canon Liz McElhinney

It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Rev. Canon Liz McElhinney.

She passed away peacefully on 13th June at Thompson House Hospital, Lisburn. Rev. Liz serviced as Priest-in-Charge of the Roscommon Group of Parishes until August 2015 and will be fondly remembered by parishioners and members of the wider community and the Diocese.

A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for her life and ministry will be held in Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan on Saturday 17th June at 10:30am. Afterwards there will be a short committal Service in Mevagh Parish Church, Carrigart, Co. Donegal at 4.00pm.

Service of Welcome for Revd. Edward Yendall as Minister-in-Charge of the Boyle Group of Parishes

Revd. Edward Yendall with Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Revd. David Bruce, Rev. Canon Jerry Hanley, Rev. Dr Heather Morris and clergy and lay readers from the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.

On Thursday 1st June friends, colleagues and parishioners gathered in Boyle Parish Church to welcome Revd. Edward Yendall as the new Minister-In-Charge (part-time) of the Boyle Group of Parishes (which includes Boyle, Aghanagh, Croghan and Ardcarne). The service was led by The Rt. Revd. Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh assisted by the Ven. Isaac Hanna, Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh.

Revd. Edward has joined the Diocese from North Wales where he has served in a number of positions of ministry over the past 29 years. Before he was ordained, he worked in accountancy and in the printing industry before going to St John’s College, Durham to train for ministry. He completed his degree there and was also the College’s Organ Scholar.

Revd. Edward was ordained at Bangor Cathedral in 1988 and served as Curate at Bangor and Minor Canon of the Cathedral. He then went on to serve in a number of positions across Wales including at Llanrhaeadr where the Bible was translated into Welsh.

Revd. Edward has strong ties to Ireland. He served for ten years in a group of parishes on Angelsey where, on good days, Ireland could be clearly seen across the sea! He has also visited Ireland on many occasions and has been to practically every county on these holidays – from Antrim to Kerry!

In his new position in the Boyle Group of Parishes, Revd. Edward will be serving the Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian communities in the area. It is, perhaps, a unique arrangement in Ireland. In his address, Revd. David Bruce,Secretary of the Board of Mission in Ireland for the Presbyterian Church spoke of church unity. He said that those of us who come to Jesus attain a new citizenship which sits on top of our differences in culture, politics, nationality or religious practice and allows for unity. This unity is not about our attempts to relate well to one another but rather about how Christ relates to us – our unity comes from Him. This unity in the body of Christ is a powerful witness of the transformative power of God in this world. Following, the address prayers were said by Rev. Dr Heather Morris, Home Missions Secretary of the Methodist Church.

The service was followed by a delicious tea in the church during which further words of welcome were expressed to Revd. Edward by Rev. Canon Jerry Hanley on behalf of the Catholic Church, David Gillespie on behalf of the Boyle Group of Parishes and the Ven. Isaac Hanna on behalf of the Diocese.

A presentation was also made to Adam Norris who has been faithfully looking after the Boyle Group of Parishes during the vacancy.

Revd. Edward thanked everyone for the warmth of their welcome and said he is looking forward to pastorally caring for the parishes of the Boyle group and to helping others develop their own ministries. It is his prayer that Christ will lead us onward through the power of His Holy Spirit as he undertakes his new task.

Thy Kingdom Come

yKea, the Youth organisation of the Diocese of Kilmore, Elpin and Ardagh are currently on a week long prayer road trip around the Diocese. The initiative is a response to Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby’s invitation to Christians across the world to pray between Ancension Day and Pentecost. “In praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities” – Archbiship Justin Welby.

yKEA have been out and about doing prayer walks, school assemblies, meeting with and praying for church leaders and gathering people to pray.

‘In doing this road trip we’ve had a desire to provide opportunities for churches across backgrounds to unite in prayer. We’ve been really encouraged by people’s responses to prayer and are expectant for what fruit God will continue to produce from these partnerships. We have a longing to seek God’s face and ask Him to pour out His Spirit on our land once again. Everywhere we go we ask God to bless the places, churches and the people of the towns and villages across the diocese’ says Hannah O’Neill, who along with Marian Edwards have spearheaded this initiative.


Join the yKEA team at any of the remaining prayer and worship events in the diocese. They take place each evening at 8pm:


  • Thursday 1 June – Core, Roscommon
  • Friday 2 June – Calry Parish, Sligo


To finish there are two nationwide beacon events organised by 24-7 Prayer Ireland:


  • Saturday 3 June, St Anne’s Cathedral Belfast, 7.30pm
  • Sunday 4 June, St Catherine’s Church Dublin, 7.30pm


Please do come along to these events, which are open to everyone of all ages throughout the diocese. Prayer works and as we unite in prayer we will see God move in our churches and in our land.


To find out more about the global wave of prayer visit:


Revd. Linda Frost appointed as Rector of the South Leitrim Group of Parishes

The Revd. Linda Frost has been appointed as Rector of the South Leitrim Group of Parishes in the Diocese for Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.

She has been Bishops Curate in the South Leitrim Group (which consists of Mohill, Carrick on Shannon, Ballinamore, Farnaught, Annaduff, Drumreilly, Drumshanbo, Aughavas, Fenagh and Kiltubrid) since 2014 and is delighted to be able to continue serving in the group.

Linda is married to Steve who is a paramedic, lay reader and Director of the charity, ‘Love in Action Philippines’. They have three children, two sons-in-laws and four grandchildren.

Despite living in the neighbouring county for the past 30 years, Linda has enjoyed getting to know in more detail the lanes and byroads of Co. Leitrim and experiencing the wonderful scenery.

It has been a joy getting to know the parishioners, community, schools over such a wide area and everyone has been very welcoming.

Linda loves a challenge, loves people, loves building bridges and reaching out to the marginalised.

The favourite hymn of her late dad was , ‘To God be the Glory’, it is Linda’s hope and endeavour to continue that tradition as she moves forward into the next stage of ministry. ‘To God Be the Glory’.

Revd. Linda’s institution will take place on Sunday 16th July a 4pm, St Mary’s, Mohill. All are very welcome

Opportunity for an internship

Have you ever considered experiencing working in a school and church setting?

An unique opportunity has arisen for an internship in the Royal School Cavan combined with a local

parish group. Accommodation will be provided in the school with some boarding duties along with living expenses. If you would like to consider this please contact Bishop Ferran Glenfield at [email protected] for further details.

The Mothers’ Union: 13 Decades of Love and Service

On Tuesday 9th of May the Mothers’ Union held a Day of Celebration and Thanksgiving in Carrick-on-Shannon. Members and friends joined All-Ireland President, Phyllis Grothier in a service of worship led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield. During the service, three candles were lit to celebrate “13 Decades of Love and Service”. The first candle was lit by Cynthia Poyntz (Kilmore) to symbolise God’s presence with us in the past. A second candle was lit by Liz Wray (Elphin) to symbolise God’s presence with us in the present. A third candle was lit by Margaret Sides (Ardagh) to symbolise God’s presence with us in the future. Our first reading from Micah 6:6-8 was read by Phyllis Grothier, All-Ireland President and our second reading from John 12:20-26 was read by Hazel Speares, Diocesan President. Intercessions were led by Mary Geelan, Charlotte Browne and Sophia Whyte. During his address, Bishop Ferran’s remarked on the sense of faith and thanksgiving as the Mothers’ Union celebrate their renewal together. He noted the ongoing work of MU in Ireland and Worldwide and he encouraged those present to continue following in Mary Sumner’s footsteps as they move forward prayerfully in Faith and Action.

Following the service, there was an opportunity to visit the Costello Chapel in the heart of Carrick-on-Shannon. In the late 1800’s Edward Costello built this chapel as a memorial and burial crypt for his beloved wife Mary Josephine. This chapel is the smallest in Ireland.

Lunch was enjoyed by all in the Bush Hotel. Leila Beattie made a beautiful cake especially for the occasion. Everyone present got celebration chocolates and a key-ring to mark our special day.

After lunch, the guest speaker, Lady Eames, spoke of Annabelle Hayes who brought MU to Ireland. The Mothers’ Union has now spread throughout each diocese and Lady Eames noted the signposts which have guided the organisation to the present day and into the future. The first signpost is VISION, meeting and praying together and planning ahead. The second signpost defines MU through prayer and projects. She emphasised the importance of friendships as a gift from God to be nurtured and never to be under-estimated. In conclusion, Lady Eames spoke about Praise, Thanksgiving and Celebration for the past, the present and the future.

All branches represented brought a display of photographs and memorabilia which created great interest as members reminisced on past activities.

Revd. Nick Jones Instituted as the Rector of the Drung Group of Parishes

Last Friday evening, the 28th April, Revd. Nick Jones was officially instituted as the Rector of the Drung Group of Parishes consisting of Drung, Castleterra (Ballyhaise), Larah & Lavey and Killoughter (Redhills). Family, friends, parishioners as well as members of the wider Diocese gathered for a wonderful service in Drung Parish Church which was led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield assisted by Archdeacon Craig McCauley. The Very Revd. Nigel Crossey, Dean of St. Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, stood in as acting Registrar.

The sermon for this occasion was given by Pastor Colin Creighton from the Carrickmacross Baptist Church – a good friend of Revd. Nick’s since they trained for ministry together at Oakhill Theological College. Preaching from Mark 10:35-45, Pastor Colin reminded us that we serve a King who ‘did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many’. We are people of a servant King. We can serve because we have first been served by Christ. He said that his prayer for Revd. Nick as he continues his ministry in the Drung Group is that he would use Nick as a servant leader who would touch people’s hearts and bring them closer to God.

The Act of Institution was then carried out by Bishop Ferran Glenfield, after which words of welcome were given by Goldina Watson on behalf of the Drung Group of Parishes, Revd. Ivan Watson, Pastor of the Cavan Baptist Church and Revd. Ali Calvin on behalf of the Diocese of Kilmore.

The service was followed by tea in the Parish Hall. Revd. Nick has been serving as Minister-in-Charge of the Drung Group since January 2016. Some of his highlights of this time have been BBQ’s, Messy Church, Songs of Praise, Christianity Explored, a new weekly Bible Study group and a wonderful evening with the Abaana New Life Children’s Choir. We thank God for Nick’s great energy and commitment to these parishes and we pray for the Lord’s blessing on Nick, his wife Dorothy and their two children as he continues to serve faithfully as Rector in this Group.

Revd. Nick Jones and Bishop Ferran Glenfield

Revd. Nick Jones with the Wardens and Parish Readers of the Drung Group of Parishes:
Back row from left: Willie McClean, James Speares, Ally Hudson, David Dunne, Robert Sturgeon, Ian Smith, Des LowryFDront row from left: Edwin Fannin, Nick Jones, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Colin Creighton (Pastor, Carrickmacross Baptist Church), Nigel Murdy, Ivor Smyth.


Back row from left: Canon Mark Lidwell, Revd. Ali Calvin, Mr. Andrew Pierce, Revd. Christiaan Snell, Mrs Audrey Reilly, Mr. Victor Reilly
Fromt row from left: Ven. Craig McCauly, Henry Jordan, Revd. Nick Jones, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Very Rev. Gerard Cassidy, Dean Nigel Crossey

Revd. Nick Jones Appointed as the Rector of the Drung Group of Parishes

nick-jones-photoThe Revd. Nick Jones has been appointed as Rector of the Drung Group of Parishes in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. He has been the Minister-in-Charge of the Drung Group ( consisting of Drung, Castleterra (Ballyhaise), Larah & Lavey and Killoughter (Redhills) since January 2016 and is delighted to be able to continue serving the group.

Nick is married to Dorothy, they have two children and they have enjoyed getting to know many people in the local area and look forward to getting to know more people still and to deepening friendships.  Some of the highlights of the last year have been BBQ’s, Messy Church, Songs of Praise, Christianity Explored, a new weekly Bible Study group and of course the Abaana New Life Choir.  Nick hasn’t managed to do much surfing or windsurfing since getting to Cavan and is still trying to get a game of squash, but is enjoying going for the occasional run and is keen to learn how to cut sticks!

Nick’s Institution will take place at in Drung Parish Church on Friday 28th April 2017 at 8pm. All very welcome!