On the evening of Sunday 27th November family, friends, parishioners and members of the community gathered to celebrate the institution of the Revd Ian Horner as Incumbent of the Bailieborough Group of parishes (Bailieborough, Knockbride, Mullagh and Shercock). The service, which took place in the wonderful atmosphere of Bailieborough church was led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield assisted by Archdeacon Craig McCauley.
A combined choir with singers from all four churches led the congregation in worship and were accompanied by Janet McGuigan and Anita West on the organ. Danielle Kinnear, Millie Kinnear and Maia Finane sang a beautiful solo during the anthem, From the Breaking of the Dawn. Ruth Waller read a passage from Psalm 119 and Victor Scott read from Matthew 13, the Parable of the Sower.
The address was given by Revd Robert McMullan from New Row Presbyterian Church in Coleraine. Revd. Rob, who was, at one time, the Director of Scripture Union in the Republic of Ireland, has had a great influence on Ian’s faith and leadership development throughout his life. Rob spoke on the Scripture Union verse ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path’ (Psalm 119 v 105). He encouraged the congregation to love, care for and support Ian and his family as they minister in the Group of churches. He also encouraged Ian to love the people in these churches and to be faithful in the preaching of God’s word.
The Act of Institution was then carried out by Bishop Ferran Glenfield, after which words of welcome were given to Revd. Ian by Father Michael Router, Parish Priest of Killann, Revd. Christiaan Snell on behalf of the Diocese of Kilmore and Russell Waller on behalf of the Bailieborough Group of Parishes.
Refreshments were served in the Bailie Hotel after the service. The warmth of the evening and the many expressions of goowill were a wonderful affirmation of the ministry of Revd. Ian, who has been serving as Curate in the Bailieborough Group. We pray for the Lord’s blessing on Ian and his family as he continues to preach God’s word and serve as Rector in this Group.
Ian and Family with guest preacher
(l-r) Carolyn Horner, Jenny Horner, Ian Horner, Christine McMullan, Jane Moffatt, Rob McMullan (New Ross Presbyterian, Coleraine). (photography taken by Thomas Whyte).
Ian with Bishop Ferran and clergy from Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh (photograph taken by Thomas Whyte.

Back (l-r): Thomas Whyte, Kenneth Pringle, Thomas McCracken, Stephen Anderson, Albert Whyte
Front (l-r): Sandra Matthews, Revd. Ian Horner, Betty West