2017 Easter Message from Bishop Ferran Glenfield

The cross of Jesus Christ and the empty grave stand at the centre of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is not an optional extra tacked on to the end of his story. Without it, the whole story would be discredited. When God raised Jesus from death it was much more than a single act of rescue. It opened the floodgates! From that time on, death’s hold on humanity was broken. Jesus was the first but by no means the last who would pass beyond death into eternal life. Indeed those who believe that Christ died and rose again for them, share eternal life with him. What a hope is ours in our risen Lord Jesus!

+ Ferran

The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer Annual Retreats

The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer have organised two Silent Retreats in June 2017:

WEEKEND RETREAT: Fri.  16th– Sun. 18th June 2017

MIDWEEK RETREAT: Mon. 19th – Wed. 21st June2017

Both Retreats will be held in The Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Dublin and the cost of each is €115. The Witness will be Carol Casey.   Further details or a booking form available from the Membership Secretary : Ms.  Nuala Dudley, Old Golf Course Road, Donegal town, Co. Donegal F94 H5F7 E- mail: [email protected]

 Everyone is welcome at these Retreats.


Revd. Hazel Hicks installed as Prebendary of Drumlease

Revd. Hazel Hicks installed as Prebendary of Drumlease

On a cold but sunny evening on Sunday, 5th March, Revd. Hazel Hicks was installed as Prebendary of Drumlease and Canon of the Chapter of Kilmore Cathedral by Dean Nigel Crossey during evening song in St. Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore.

Revd. Hazel has been a faithful servant of the Diocese over a number of years. She was commissioned as Diocesan Reader in 1979, before continuing her journey by training for the non-stipendary ministry. During this time she served a placement in the Swanlinbar/Kildallon group. She was ordained as a Deacon in 2008 and served as curate in the Belturbet Group. She is currently Priest-in-Charge of the Arva group of Parishes.

Her installation as Canon of the Chapter of Kilmore Cathedral is another stage in a long and fruitful journey of faith and vocation and a wonderful recognition of these long years of service.

The service was followed by a wonderful reception in the Parish Hall provided and served by the parishioners of the Arva parish group.  During the evening, Canon Hazel was presented with gifts and words of congratulations by members of the Arva Group of Parishes. In response she thanked the parishioners for their generous gifts and their support and kindness to her during the past 6 years, saying that her honour was recognition for all they had achieved. She thanked Dean Nigel for organising the service and Bishop Ferran for the challenging address. Paying tribute to her family, Canon Hazel said that without the support of her husband Barrie and family she would not be able to serve God and the Church. She said it was both an honour and privilege to work in the Arva parish group and in this new role as a member of Kilmore Cathedral chapter.


Back row: Canon Mark Lidwell and Revd. Sandra Lindsey
Front Row: The Venerable Craig McCauley, Rt Revd. Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, Canon Hazel Hicks and Dean Nigel Crossey.

Left to Right: Maud Patterson (Carrigallen) Barbara Joens (Columbkille), Canon Hazel Hicks, Barbara Curral (Arva), Sandra Butler (Gowna)

Pioneer Evangelist for the Centre of Mission in Drumcliffe

Location: Drumcliffe near Sligo, Republic of Ireland in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.

Details: We are looking for a pioneer evangelist to work in this exciting new role, which has been developed in partnership with the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin, Ardagh, the parish of Drumcliffe and Church Army. The role includes reaching out in a rural area and developing a series of Fresh Expressions of church in Drumcliffe.

The Centre of Mission will be led by Ven. Capt. Isaac Hanna who also serves as Archdeacon within the diocese.

The successful applicant will be based in the parish of Drumcliffe.

Housing: Housing or housing allowance will be provided by the diocese.

Funding: This full time post will be funded for 5 years at Church Army stipend rates.

DBS: Enhanced DBS Disclosure will be required.

Closing date: Midday Friday the 17th of March.

Interviews: Will be held in Drumcliffe on the 30th of March

Employer: Church Army

Contact: For more information please contact Isaac Hanna on:  [email protected]

Applications to be sent to Church Army HR team

Joy Bells – Sunday 19th March

On Sunday 19th March the Church Bells in St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral and churches across the land will be rung at the same time between 11-11:30.

The idea has arisen as the bells of Waterford Cathedral (known as the Joy Bells) – which have been undergoing repair and have been silent for the past few years – are going to be rung again on Sunday 19th March when former President Mary McAleese will be present.

With so much uncertainty, fear, division, hared, disillusionment and even despair in our world at the moment the ringing of the bells throughout the land would be a Christian witness and proclamation of faith, trust, love, reconciliation and joy.

It would be wonderful if other churches in the Diocese agreed to add their voice!

The Revd. Hazel Hicks to be installed as prebendary of Drumlease on Sunday 5 March

The Revd. Hazel Hicks (Priest-In-Charge of the Arva Group of Parishes) installed as prebendary of Drumlease on Sunday 5 March 4pm Kilmore Cathedral.

Church 21 Parish Development Conference 25th March 2017

The Church 21 Parish Development Conference will take place on 25th March 2017 in the Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Church 21 is about enabling parishes to develop:

  • A clearer sense of direction
  • A clarity of focus on priorities
  • A commitment to collaborative leadership
  • And confidence for the future

This event promises to be an uplifting day with plenty of opportunity to evaluate your own parish’s needs and share in the journey with others.

Click here for more information or contact Tessa Marsden (Church 21 administrator) at [email protected] or Tel: 0719147007.

Venerable Craig McCauley installed as the Prebendary of Mulhuddart

Following the retirement of the Revd Canon Janet Catterall earlier in the year the Venerable Craig McCauley (Archdeacon of Kilmore) was installed by Dean William Morton as the Prebendary of Mulhuddart (representing the United Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh) in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin during evensong on Sunday 4th December 2016.

The new Canon was joined at the service by his wife Vida along with his parents and wider family. Craig commented afterwards that the day was meaningful on many levels “My maternal grandparents sat in the pews 60 years ago when my Uncle Harry Deegan was in the boys choir. Also the first place I ever took a service on my own was in Mulhuddart Church when I was a parishioner in Castleknock Parish. As I represent the United Dioceses I look forward under God to embracing life in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the years ahead and serving the Dean and Chapter in whatever way I can.”

KEA Mothers’ Union Prayer Vigil to End Gender Based Violence.

On Saturday 26th November, the Mothers’ Union in Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh held a prayer vigil at St George’s Church, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim as part of the Mothers’ Union All-Ireland ‘16 Days of Activism against gender based violence’. Mothers’ Union is one of over 130 local groups across Ireland that have taken part in the 16 Days of Action campaign. This campaign aims to stand in solidarity with women at home and across the world who are suffering at the hand of gender based violence.

Worship at the Prayer Vigil to End Violence against women was led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Trudi Williams (Mothers’ Union KEA Social Policy Rep) and Dean Arfon Williams. The speakers on the day were  Mary McSharry from Invisible Traffick and Patricia O ‘Reilly from Roscommon SAFE Link (Domestic Violence Advocacy Service). Both speakers reminded us how hidden gender based violence can be despite the fact that it is so widespread. They encouraged those present to stand prayerfully against gender based violence and as friends, neighbours and family members to say that violence against women is not all right.

The organisers were grateful to all those who attended the Vigil for their support and demonstration of solidarity with the victims of violence.


(l-r) Patricia O’Reilly (Roscommon Safe Link), Hazel Speares (MU Diocesan President), Vida McCauley (MU KEA Faith and Policy Co-Ordinator), Mary McSharry (Invisible Traffic), Trudi Williams (MU KEA Social Policy Rep), Ferran Glenfield (Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh).

Trudi Williams (MU KEA Social Policy Rep), Charlotte Browne, Leila Beattie, Hazels Speares (MU Diocesan President), Violet Magee, Vida McCauley (MU KEA Faith and Policy Co-Ordinator).

Lorna Graham, Eva Gibson, Linda Lovett, Margaret Lawrence, Linda Bell

Revd. Ian Horner Instituted as the Rector of the Bailieborough Group of Parishes

On the evening of Sunday 27th November family, friends, parishioners and members of the community gathered to celebrate the institution of the Revd Ian Horner as Incumbent of the Bailieborough Group of parishes (Bailieborough, Knockbride, Mullagh and Shercock). The service, which took place in the wonderful atmosphere of Bailieborough church was led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield assisted by Archdeacon Craig McCauley.

A combined choir with singers from all four churches led the congregation in worship and were accompanied by Janet McGuigan and Anita West on the organ. Danielle Kinnear, Millie Kinnear and Maia Finane sang a beautiful solo during the anthem, From the Breaking of the Dawn. Ruth Waller read a passage from Psalm 119 and Victor Scott read from Matthew 13, the Parable of the Sower.

The address was given by Revd Robert McMullan from New Row Presbyterian Church in Coleraine. Revd. Rob, who was, at one time, the Director of Scripture Union in the Republic of Ireland, has had a great influence on Ian’s faith and leadership development throughout his life. Rob spoke on the Scripture Union verse ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path’ (Psalm 119 v 105). He encouraged the congregation to love, care for and support Ian and his family as they minister in the Group of churches. He also encouraged Ian to love the people in these churches and to be faithful in the preaching of God’s word.

The Act of Institution was then carried out by Bishop Ferran Glenfield, after which words of  welcome were given to Revd. Ian by Father Michael Router, Parish Priest of Killann, Revd. Christiaan Snell on behalf of the Diocese of Kilmore and Russell Waller on behalf of the Bailieborough Group of Parishes.

Refreshments were served in the Bailie Hotel after the service. The warmth of the evening and the many expressions of goowill were a wonderful affirmation of the ministry of Revd. Ian, who has been serving as Curate in the Bailieborough Group. We pray for the Lord’s blessing on Ian and his family as he continues to preach God’s word and serve as Rector in this Group.

ian-and-familyIan and Family with guest preacher
(l-r) Carolyn Horner, Jenny Horner, Ian Horner, Christine McMullan, Jane Moffatt, Rob McMullan (New Ross Presbyterian, Coleraine). (photography taken by Thomas Whyte).

ian-and-clergyIan with Bishop Ferran and clergy from Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh (photograph taken by Thomas Whyte.

Back (l-r): Thomas Whyte, Kenneth Pringle, Thomas McCracken, Stephen Anderson, Albert Whyte
Front (l-r): Sandra Matthews, Revd. Ian Horner, Betty West